What I Need in my Organizational Life

I've dealt with organizing and re-organizing and I'm sure I'll just continue dealing with it. I've tried so many different ways to stay organized that it's impossible to keep them organized! I've got too many tools that fill various gaps and I'm wondering if I can bring it all together. It's not that I'm not organized. Frankly many people around me seem to consider me to be very organized and to a certain extent I believe that I am. But it's as though I've turned into an on-and-off again collector of organizational systems. I flow in and out of them as I become more or less anxious about the things going on in my life. Analog and digital systems are all fair game when it comes to the various whims I'm feeling.

Now, more than ever, I'm feeling pulled toward creating my own solution. It will likely start with a conglomeration of the various services and solutions that currently exist, but I hope that over time I can venture into a ground up amalgamation of the features I find most beneficial. Let's take a moment to run through some thoughts and practices tangential to all of this. more ...